Bolywool was founded in Svarteberga, northern Öland, 1998 by the two cousins Oskar Erlandsson and Calle Thoor. Since then, members have come and gone, hometowns have been replaced – but Öland’s core has always been constant. Despite the constant shifts in influences the band’s music always find itself somewhere in the borderland between shoegaze, post-rock, ambient; but with a pop structure.
The upcoming album Já is another manifestation of the band’s love of the windswept, the desolate and the timeless. Recorded in Reykjavík and Alafoss in Iceland with producer Sigurmon ’Moní’ Hartmann Sigurdsson who has taken the Bolywool sound even more towards the dreamy and the disc’s ten tracks are a melting pot of monotonous krautrock, British psychedelia, Öland melancholia, post-rock and dreamy pop.
Bolywool’s website.