Black Belt Live

Stockholm! – ARE YOU READY? Black Belt are opening up for FU MANCHU. See you Thursday at Debaser Strand.


The music blog 482 MHz really like the upcoming Allergic To Humans’ self titled EP and gives it a 8/10 rating. So if you’re into really good garagerock/punk check out their debut single ’Blood Rage’ here.

I Love Sweden session

Last summer Valerie from I Love Sweden met up with a couple from St Andreas at Skokloster to do some acoustic sessions and now you can see them here in their green glory. Just what you need to forget about the cold. Check it…

by:Larm Showcase

On our way home from yet another great by:Larm. Big thanks to Brygg Oslo for hosting our Swedish Indie at Brygg Oslo showcases. Also thanks to all that came and enjoyed ”our” bands. It was nice to see the turnout…

Allergic To Humans – Blood Rage

Time has come to release Allergic To Humans debut single ’Blood Rage’. Churning guitar, skronky saxophone (by the great Per ’Ruskträsk’ Johansson), tight punchy riffs and explosive/howly shout-along vocals. A primal slab of souly garage punk at it’s best, which will perk you up…

Swedish Indie at by:Larm

Together with a couple of the most profilic Swedish Indie Labels (Adrian Recordings, Birds Records,Icons Creating Evil Art and Blinding Recordings) we will present the best new Swedish Indie music atby:Larm this year. All will happen at the great Brygg Oslo venue. More info about the…

New band – Allergic To Humans

It is time to welcome a new addition to the Novoton family. New band but one of the members played on the very first Novoton release almost 14 years ago. So without further ado big welcome to Allergic To Humans. March…

Norma – Things That Are Coming

We kick off 2018 strong with Norma’s third album ’Things That Are Coming’. Synthetic and krauty pop that evokes sweet dreams and sweaty nightmares. A cinematic ride well worth an Oscar. Enjoy and share.

Great Norma album review

482 MHz, the lovely music blog, like the new Norma album ’Things That Are Coming’ a lot and give it a 7/10 score. Now you don’t just have to take our word for it’s greatness. Out tomorrow. Full review here: 

I.B. Sundström confirmed for WTM

I.B. Sundström is confirmed for Where’s the Music 2018. And after last week’s superb performance we urge all the will be there not to miss them. See you at Hedvig Kyrka next Friday at 22.30. Don’t be late because we are sure…

Pascal nominated for Manifest Award

Pascal are nominated in the ”Best Live” category at the Manifest Awards (Swedish Indie Grammy). This of course makes perfect sense since they are one of the best, if not the best, Swedish live acts. 

Great release year

Last working day of the year and we are very proud of this year’s releases. Five albums and loads of singels equals over four hours of great new music. All for your enjoyment and gathered in this nifty playlist. Happy…