Dödsfest is Kalle Malm, Conny Nimmersjö, Manuela De Gouveia and Christian Ramirez. They called themselves something else for a while, but the situation and the desperation demanded more. They play rock that almost overturns. Because that’s how it feels, when the bullies and liars get away, when it is evident that cheaters win. And when it’s raining cats and dogs in your face while waiting for the bus that never comes.
”Det sista äventyret” is their debut album but it is clear that this is no ”rookies”. We have to quote the excellent blog ”Abolut Noise” who said it best:
”The album is one of the best albums I heard for months, and I am pretty sure I am gonna repeat that in December 2014 when it will be “best of the year” time.” And about the second single ”Utan din kyss”: ”Still, we’ve got a brilliant song . One of the more “pop” tune of the album. One of the more melodic. One of the more square too. It actually shows one of the best assets of Dödsfest: simplicity. Yeah, this is direct, straight to the point, uncluttered. Simplicity is the key. My new favourite Swedish band I said? Hell it is!”
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