Existensminimum – Last Night My Head Tried to Explode and I Wrote Everything Down
Existensminimum’s debut album is all and much more, full with extra ordinary music. It has taken a while to finish but it is worth every second of that wait. Existensminimum still make day-glo electropop (likened to DJ Shadow meets Spiritualized meets XTC meets Seefeel) and once again it is Magnus fantastic voice that carry an orchestration ranging from romantic crooner trips to anxious, deconstructed rock
The sound is a little bit different from previous releases. There is still posh orch-pop arrangements which are bedecked with a kitchen sink sonic palette: strings and horns, guitars and keys, beats and breaks, bleeps and bloops but now the overall sound is dirtier and heavier, more like Existensminimum sound live. As usual pop, jazz and rock mix totally natural and uncomplicated. Even when it is sofisticated it is rough and wild at the same time. What comes to my mind listening to this album is the kraut scene from the late seventies mixed with the indiepop/rock from England in the late eighties/early nineties. Existensminimum is doing his own thing and this album is a real adventure for the ears and soul. As you might understand it doesn’t like anything else you hear today. Those who dare to look beyond the frame of the standard pop and rock
music will however be largely rewarded. Existensminimum have created a classic album. Without compromises and absolute beauty.
The album features new versions of the first single “Running Down Everyone” now recorded with a 25 person balalaika orchestra and also a totally new version of “From Me To You” from his first EP. https://frontl.ink/jyq64zx