Norma – 1
Norma are a pretentious band and they are dead serious about their music! Despite that they never get boring or theorethical. Their music is warm and welcoming which
separates them from similar bands. Norma is as much a band as a concept that holds both visual and musical elements. Their goal is to look outside the classical band format and broaden cooperations with all kind of creative forces. Their ambition is to capture the miminalistic sound that comes from just being a trio but also to challenge it and sound grand and bombastic.
Norma live isn’t just a musical experience. By using video projections, atmospheric sounds, theatrical parts and a balance between light and darkness they give their fans a multidimensional experience. Once again they don’t fall into the traps that other similar bands do and just rely on effects. There is always a nerve and presence in their live shows which make you loose yourself completely in their world. https://frontl.ink/kyznd6r