Everyday Mistakes

Everyday Mistakes is Mattias Malm’s ”one man project” but that doesn’t mean he does everything by himself. He is however meticulous about his sound and of course not surprising since he is inspired as much by music producers (Joe Meek,…

The Garon Presleys

The story that never was, the way no one chose, the possibilities that never were tried, counterfactual history. There’s many ways to describe The Garon Presleys. With both feet firmly placed in the present and a body gently aged by…

Dom Orena

Four people meet and electricity occurs. Dom Orena (The Unclean) step into the music world with the melodies up front and center. Ten songs with seductive bass lines, responsive melodies punctuated by spastic guitar attacks, drums that conjure up grand…


Bolywool was founded in Svarteberga, northern Öland, 1998 by the two cousins Oskar Erlandsson and Calle Thoor. Since then, members have come and gone, hometowns have been replaced – but Öland’s core has always been constant. Despite the constant shifts…

Conny Nimmersjö

Conny Nimmersjö was born in Ängelholm and raised in Södertälje. In 1991 Nimmersjö along with Thomas Öberg, Johnny Essing, Mats Hellquist, Jonas Jonasson and Mats Andersson formed bob hund in Stockholm. Apart from being a member in bob hund, Bergman Rock and…


Dödsfest is Kalle Malm, Conny Nimmersjö, Manuela De Gouveia and Christian Ramirez. They called themselves something else for a while, but the situation and the desperation demanded more. They play rock that almost overturns. Because that’s how it feels, when…

Fredrik Georg Eriksson

One of Sweden’s hardest working punk/rock musicians is finally releasing his debut album! Fredrik Georg Eriksson has been touring the world with his other band Twopointeight (who just finished recording their third album, produced by Brian Fallon of The Gaslight…


It all started with a large floor tom a guitar and a synthesizer. Isak Sundström and Jacob Frössén spent hours playing instrumental synth-boogie in an old attic. Isak started writing lyrics to some of the songs and Skriet (The Scream) was…

Then Comes Silence

Silence breeds terror. Ever get the feeling you’re being watched? That someone ‘else’ is in the room? Things moving? Door’s creaking? Noises without a source? Perhaps a sudden creeping chill thru the room? Sharp odors? A rank smell? As humans,…


Riddarna is a trio originally from Gotland. The music is based on the despair and frustration and is in a pretty unique genre. To quote Göteborgs-Posten: ”Stoner. Pop. Rattling. Punk. Hard Rock. Psychedelia. Garage. Riddarna pushed all of this screaming into a…


Although Stellaria is a new band/project, the members are both quite well known on the Swedish indie scene. However this time they want to be ”anonymous” (for the moment anyway) and let their music speak for itself. The first single…

Hyper Plastic

Rickard Johansson used to play the guitar and write songs for Indie-Rock band ”This Perfect Day” in the nineties. Now he is working as a surgeon. Hyper Plastic is his band and he is the only member, for good and…